LA PEAU as an anti-aging and hydrating skincare:  LA PEAU Day, Night and Eyes – shall be applied over a clean face –in the morning, night and eyes contour every day – in small quantities. No need to apply big quantities. LA PEAU products spread out very well.

LA PEAU post cosmetic treatments: LA PEAU is being used post laser, LED and CO2 laser treatment: many dermatologists and plastic surgeons in Geneva, Beverly Hills, New York have adopted LA PEAU for faster recovery of collagen formation and skin elasticity. 

Dr L. May did the clinical studies over 75 patients and came out with excellent recovery results with use of LA PEAU after fractionated CO2 laser: His clinical studies say: “The finding says that the regenerating potential of La Peau creams when using smart dot fractional CO2 laser in 75 patients age average 48 years old: female 55, male 20 – does show a faster recovery with LA PEAU and better collagen elastin formation at one week and still better elasticity and hydration in the skin the following months. Clinical studies showed that recovery of the skin after Fractionated CO2 Laser months with LA PEAU is at its BEST!”

Dr T. Chamaa, Médecin Généraliste FMH, Carl-Vogt 33, “Hi Irma, I’ve just introduced a new ESTHEMED protocol including LA PEAU in LED treatments (Light Emitting Diodes) which incredibly resembles the post-treatment CO2 laser. The results are great”

B. Cregan, nurse at Dr Manish Khanna practice, Montreal: « Hi Carla, I enjoy selling and using LA PEAU products. I implement them as post-treatment protocols with the microdermabrasion, IPL and Pro-Fractional – with great results. Clients are very satisfied by the results and so are we. Besides from the Microdermabrasion and peeling and Laser and Botox – we are also happy to sell LA PEAU to clients as part of their daily hydrating and anti-aging beauty regimen. Thank you for introducing us to LA PEAU from Switzerland; it is a simple & an easy line to sell”.


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