What makes LA PEAU different from other lines and even more attractive vis a vis consumers is the fact that LA PEAU sells mainly by its own merits: through word of mouth (as if it is the new “it” product), a hidden gem from Switzerland, a new “Must-have”, adding to that the credibility of doctors – as opposed to many other brands that spend millions in advertising and sell insignificant products. LA PEAU does not need huge marketing expenses and campaigns in order to sell its excellent line. It is a niche product that sells by itself – with the back-up of professionals, consumers, word of mouth, a sound viral marketing strategy mixed with subtle media coverage. It is exactly what consumers like nowadays.

Today, it’s really about understated luxury …and LA PEAU has it all: subtle, pure like the Swiss Alps, efficient, science-based, therapeutic…sober looking…nothing shiny … just right to the point! It is just about beautifying your skin with real science.

La Peau – just 3 performing products… that really work.

LA PEAU is a Swiss brand. We do not try to increase our sales by constantly formulating new products, but we continue improving our existing brand; this is how successful Swiss products, such as Swiss chocolate, cheese, and watch manufacturers operate since many years, and this is why Swiss quality has become the reference of the world.

Indulge yourself with LA PEAU, the 3-product Swiss brand, and see how your skin becomes radiant and smoother in just few days!

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